Website Copy for CalFoods Logistics

A hunger-relief organization supporting food banks in California.

During the pandemic, CalFoods threw together a website that remained untouched for three years.

Why? Its small team was extremely busy coordinating emergency food assistance, so keeping a website up-to-date fell to the bottom of their list.

As the organization’s third anniversary approached, they reached out for a refresh of their DIY website copy to reflect current efforts and be a helpful resource for partners and food-insecure people.

The Refresh

I created the site's new information architecture, designed a wireframe, and wrote copy for the home, about, FAQ, contact, and several program and resource pages.

The CalFoods Logistics website will be revamped by a designer in 2024, and this page will be updated with a link when it’s live! In the meantime, below are a few examples of the copy from the wireframe.

The new website structure and copy

  • improves site readability

  • provides a clear understanding of what CalFoods offers, who it serves, and its impact

  • builds trust with friendly, humane language and key messaging

How’d I do?

“We love the way Jenay made our copy more personable and down-to-earth!”

“It isn’t so boring now and aligns with our mission to connect with the community. We also appreciate Jenay’s clear communication and visual tools, especially the project hub, for easy progress tracking. Working with a copywriter was a new experience for me, and I learned through the process, which was helpful. It was a pleasure to collaborate with a talented, woman-owned business.”

—Charisse Ross, COO of CalFoods Logistics

Are you ready to work with a writing partner who has years of experience volunteering and working with nonprofits and knows how to craft emotionally engaging copywriting?